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Reflection ringtone
Reflection ringtone video
The new iPhone X sets itself apart from its predecessors not only as the first Apple smartphone to use an AMOLED screen, but also as the first iPhone to cost over $1,000. True to form as an exclusive device, Apple’s latest flagship also features a distinct ringtone. With a little tinkering, however, you can make the new “Reflection” ringtone your very own, regardless of which iPhone you may have.
Apple’s trademark ringtones for the iPhone have a rich history, from Marimba onward, and they are instantly recognizable by even non-iPhone users at this point. The arrival of the iPhone X marks a new chapter for Apple’s catchy sounds, with “Reflection” its new anthem for a new decade. If you’d like to have this ringtone on your iPhone and join the exclusive club of iPhone X owners without actually having to sell a kidney, read more to find out how.